Katerina Malakhova
Greetings, fellow traveler,
As a researcher, I explore the fascinating intersection of visual perception and generative AI.
I'm driven by a passion for understanding how we see and perceive the world, and how we can use technology to enhance and augment these experiences.
I believe that the study of visual perception holds the key to unlocking the full potential of generative AI. The mechanisms of how the brain processes visual information can inform the development of algorithms that generate more realistic, compelling, and, or even healing, visuals.
On the other hand, advances in generative AI can lead to new insights into the nature of perception and the representation of visual information in the brain.
Through my work, I aim to push the boundaries of what's possible at this intersection and to create innovative, cutting-edge technologies that can enrich our experiences and enhance our understanding of the world. Join me on this journey of exploring the wonders of visual perception and generative AI.